Category Update
Author: Marlowes Date Posted:29 May 2016

We have recently re-designed our Category structure. Previously we did have our New books mixed in with our Used books when browsing. This did in some of the larger categories cause a lot of listings to display at once, many of which might not of been relevant when browsing, esepecially for example when one might be searching for a particular used, first edition book and a moderin reprint would be displayed along side with it.
Over the last couple weeks we have now made 3 departments. Audio Books, New Books and Used Books. Under these three headings are then our ususal sub-categories that you are familar with and have used before. This will make browsing much more precise and help browsing and locating your book much easier.
Searching - Searching will remain the same as always. Both New and Used will be displayed together. These though can be filtered on the left via condition, price, sub-cartegory, binding type. Added to this is the sort order at the top of the page which allows one to organize their results via Title A-Z, Newest and Price.
This combination and "filtering" power will allow our customers to browse, search and find their books with ease and pleasure.
* please note, some sub-categories (particularly with audio books) are still be updated and should be completed shortly.
Happy Reading - The team at Marlowes